Tuesday, September 16, 2008

NieNie followup

Last Friday Gabby at Design Mom wrote a great post reporting the outcome of NieNie day a few weeks ago. All told, since August 28th $117,000 has been donated to help Stephanie and Christian Nielson, mostly in small increments from blog auctions. Amazing.

So, by now you may be bored of hearing about all of this. But I can't seem to let it go. Participating in this one little event really impacted me on so many different levels. It helped me realize the ability that I can personally have to help. It showed me that not only can I help make the world around me a better place, but I have the responsibility to do so.

It reaffirmed my positive outlook on life and the of the goodness of people. Sometimes I start to feel jaded. I see the great potential in people squandered. I see selfishness and thoughtlessness and begin to think that the majority of humanity is like that. But that just isn't the case. By far, most people are good. Most people are honest and true. And that is so nice to remember.

As I read down through the comments on Gabby's Friday post I was completely overwhelmed by one of the commenter's thoughts. She wrote:

From a Grandmother:In another era, women would have shared news while hanging out the laundry, chatting over the back fence with a neighbor. And those same women would have put their sympathies into a bake sale, etc., for a good cause.It's wonderful to witness that timeless compassion at work in your current world of blogging "neighbors." Bless you all!

I was so moved by this idea. I was humbled to be part of a group described as having timeless compassion.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. And it is nice to connect with new "neighbors" who are inspiring- like Katie and the Ear Doc!! I know I'm shameless, but seriously, y'all are hilarious! Thanks again for hosting an awesome auction and bringing more people together. :)
