Friday, September 12, 2008

A quick survey

The ear doctor and I are locked in a serious debate, the outcome of which can only be solved by your input. The question up for your consideration:

Is Golden Corral at the same level of "niceness" as Sizzler?


  1. No, Sizzler is nicer. Golden Corral loses major points by being all you can eat.

  2. I'd say Sizzler has a bit more panache.
    I've never been to either - but judging by the exterior presentation and the names... well one of them has more 'sizzle'.

  3. Ooooh! I HAVE to weigh in on this one. Here in CA we don't have Golden Corral but we *do* have Sizzler. And here, Sizzler is akin to eating at a homeless shelter. They're filthy. They all leave the food out for hours so it is stale/cold/hard as a rock, etc. Pretty much, we'd only eat Sizzler if it were the last restaurant left on EARTH!

  4. I peruse your blog and so I though I'd leave my opinion:
    Overall Sizzler is nicer but I don't think the overall quality of the food is any better then Golden Corral.
    I love that you're having this debate at all! Have you ever been to a Ponderosa? They're in the Midwest.

  5. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Nope, Sizzler is definitely nicer.

  6. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Oh dear. I would certainly never go in a Sizzler (I know that makes me sound stuck up, but take into account the fact that I am in CA and cagequeen's description is definitely accurate for around here), so if some people are claiming that Golden Corrals are worse (never heard of those), then I am seriously concerned... ;)

  7. Anonymous7:16 PM

    No way!

  8. Anonymous8:28 PM

    I would have to say that Sizzler is a step above Golden Corral. Both can be NAS-TAY. I just cringe at most salad bars, because I picture them crawling with e. coli and salmonela, and possibly some MRSA and c. diff, especially at the hospital I work at.

  9. No, Sizzler is "nicer." That said, I would not eat at either one.

  10. Tomato, Tomahto. They are equally as bad. When you allow people to rifle through food, and eat as much or more as they can hold, there's just something creepy to them. Sizzler is an all you can eat (except the steaks) around here and the only Golden Corral that we had closed in short order. Sizzler stayed, GC didn't, so I guess they must've been a bit better.

  11. Anonymous10:02 AM

    i would say they're on the same level.

  12. No... I would say the Sizzler is nicer... Miss Orem worked there.

  13. I've never been to a Sizzler, but from what I've heard and the impression I've been given from others, yes. But being that I have never been there, my opinion doesn't count.

  14. No way! An all-you-can-eat bargain basement buffet isn't at the same level as a low-end steakhouse. Just take a look at the clientele. We took our six kids to Golden Corral all the time. They never made it to the Sizzler.

  15. Sizzler is WAY nicer. (Scary to say that, since it's not that nice.) But yeah, different class of restaurant. Sorry, Ear Doctor. (funny that Katie calls you that)
