Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Uh oh....

So the ear doctor read all of your comments regarding our trick or treating. And let me tell you, he was not happy.

At first he was could these people not agree that adults trick-or-treating was hilarious?

Then he got really mad and the accusing pointer fingers were flying. Who do you think YOU ARE?!?!?

Then all h*** broke loose. This is the kind of crazy, out of control man I live with.

I've learned to just avoid making him angry. I hope you all learned a similar lesson.


  1. Not to condone the ear doctor's "outburst," but I have to agree with him on the Halloween thing. What adult doesn't secretly want to go trick-or-treating? It's actually refreshingly candid to actually admit it. I usually give the most candy to the older (teens and up) kids. The little kids don't need all that candy. And trust me, their parents will get most of it anyway.

  2. This is off topic, BUT I LOVVVVE your black and white placemats! Tres chic!

  3. He's hilarious! Too bad he can't join you next week!

  4. I saw your blog on oh happy day. I am commenting to say your husband's shirt is rad. I am ordering one for mine right now.

  5. I stand my decision, adult temper tantrums be darned.

  6. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Okay, I've kept my mouth shut on this topic for much too long. After this last post, I really feel I need to voice my very "grown-up" opinion --

    I am, totally, 100% for both of you, everyone, the whole of humanity going trick or treating. It's so much fun, and there are so many memories to be had running through the streets in crazy costumes, hyped up on pixie sticks.

    There, I said it. Throw me to the dogs ...

  7. Oh, Nell, you may have just made a life long friend in the ear doctor.

  8. Anonymous11:18 AM

    you guys crack me up.

  9. Katie, if you got to know Klint and I at all during the time we had together backin the day you KNOW we totally agree with you and the Ear Doctor on this one! LOVE the pics- we love your husband, BTW! Haha!
