Thursday, September 11, 2008

What a difference a day makes

That is, if the day is Nie Nie day.

Occasionally I check my little blog's stats on google analytics. I get between 200-250 unique readers each day. This is exactly the size and type of traffic that I expect and hope to have.

However, on Nie Nie day I had a pretty incredible spike. Check it out:

I just think it is so cool what a bunch of Internet strangers can really do. It's amazing.


  1. Dang! I wish I got that many hits a day! LOL. My blog=unpopular. I'm so glad it was for a good cause!

  2. um, yes. i normally have around 5-600 hits a day on mine. on nienie day, 17 thousand.

    it's incredible.

  3. Nice! And I'm also so proud of you for raising all that money for the Nielsons!!

    And I pretty much croak at the fact that 200-250 is your typical traffic. I don't even get a quarter of that. Lol Could it possibly be because I am too lazy to update more than once weekly???

  4. Anonymous9:05 PM

    That sure is amazing.

    'designing your life'
