Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Have you tried it?

Lately I've really been loving SNL. I think the team of Andy Sandberg and Kristin Wiig is so freakin great that I look forward to it all week. And the Palin rap performed by Ms. Pohler....dreamy. The current team is really making the effort to bring back the glory days of the show.

One of my favorite classic SNL skits was performed by the illustrious Phil Hartman. It's title? SUPER COLON BLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, it is so awesome. Sometimes I'll be walking down the cereal aisle and just start cracking up thinking of it. However, today it is especially on my mind because I, Katie, author of this blog, am considering doing an at home, herbal colon cleanse/body detoxification.

There, I said it.

It might not be the most lady-like thing to write about, but it's true. Keep in mind that my lovely Aunt died of Colon cancer in 2004, and you'll know why I have a soft spot in my heart for GI cleanliness.

My question to the blog world out there is this: Have you tried it? Would you do it? Any horror/triumph stories? Is this a total medical scam (Daniel)?

(you can comment anonymously if that makes you more comfortable spilling the juicy details)


  1. I personally think you should speak with your doc about it, first. My own doc told me that he is not a proponent of them because one wrong move could have disastrous effects. In spas, the people who perform these are not even required to have training or medical experience, and messing around in that area can have horrific consequences. I am by no means telling you not to do it, I simply think it woul dbe worth the co-pay to pick your doc's brain about it before you make your decision. PLEASE! He might even think it is a great idea, I just think better safe than sorry.

  2. Yeah, I'm only really considering the herbal/alternative medicine route. I'm not really hardcore enough to let someone else have free reign down there.

  3. Anonymous10:22 AM

    So sorry about your Aunt. But, my two cents are that it is better for your body to go through a slower process of detox through diet changes, rather than a weekend 'o fun with Mr. John. Have you heard of Eat to Live? There is a 6 week program that will clean you out nicely and while I personally have not been uber strict with it- my husband has lost over 50 pounds in about 6 weeks! (Warning: TMI!) I have only lost around 15 pounds, but my clothes fit better, my chronic gas is gone, and GI probs have resolved: no more back and forth from constipation to fire-rhea. And after wrting that, I cannot out myself on here...
    -Reader who thinks Katie is awesome. :)

  4. After reading that link you had my advice is to eat more fiber (either in your diet with whole foods like fruits, veggies, and whole wheat or by using fiber pills) and drink more water. That's all that web site is promoting, except they're adding in prebiotics, which aren't always successful at getting past the whole stomach acid situation. NOTHING can replace a long lasting healthy balanced diet. Follow what grandma and grandpa do and you can't really go wrong.

  5. I've tried some of those cleanses before (not that particular brand though) and to be honest I never feel like I've accomplished all that much except hang out near the ladies room nor have I ever produced what those pictures promise (which I guess means that my GI tract is pretty clean...?)! I found that some of the people at Pharmaca or Vitamin Cottage were good at answering my questions. My Mom had colon cancer so I understand your desire to keep things running smoothly and I would agree with other posters that a diet high in fiber, whole fruits & vegetables, whole grains etc is the way to go. Good luck!

  6. Most of the people that I know who try various detox programs wind up feeling like crap and crapping a lot. If you want a natural detox program try eliminating white, processed flour from your diet and including more veggies and fruit in your diet. Also important, water.

  7. I can offer no advice either way... but I went to the website, and really, WHO drapes their poo all over their toilet and takes pictures, AND THEN owns up to it on the internet with pictures of themselves? I don't care HOW nasty the stuff eeking out of my bum is, it will never see the light of day beyond the toilet bowl... that's just gross. To quote Jeff Foxworthy of the "you might be a redneck" fame: y'all come in here and see this 'fore I flush it...
