Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Vengeance will be mine

One of the best parts of living in an apartment complex is the entertainment provided by the neighbors. You're packed in so close to so many different people that sometimes you get watch some really dramatic scenes.

For instance, about a month ago I came home for lunch and as I was standing at my kitchen sink looking out the window I got to watch a young couple go through a horrible break-up. The kind of break-up that you see in movies where the girl is sobbing and yelling and him to come back to her and the guy stands there regretfully breaking her heart. It was horrifying to watch, but riveting. I've never been the impartial observer in that situation have you? It's amazing.

With the interesting also comes the insane. Small annoyances are compounded by proximity. For example. My building is very close to the small maintenance building and a few prime parking spots. Actually, it overlooks these spots so whenever I'm at my sink doing dishes I glance down and see who is parked there.

2 weeks ago I noticed a very odd thing. Someone had parked their scooter in the best free spot in the whole apartment complex. There are a lot better spots, but you have to pay extra rent to use them. The location of the scooter parking wasn't odd, but the angle at which it sat was curious. It was perpendicular to the spot. Again, curious, but I went on with my day.

Later that night I noticed that a car was parked in that spot and the scooter was moved over to the side. Huh, I thought to myself, that's kind of unique.

Over the course of the next week I realized that this HEINOUS person was moving the scooter to block the spot EVERYDAY while she was away at work and then moving it over at night so she'd have the best parking spot.

For some reason this had got my blood boiling! She has become my personal Newman and each time I see that dumb scooter blocking this spot the inner prankster really starts to scream in my ear. DO SOMETHING! SHE'S A CHEATER AND SHOULD BE PUNISHED.

The ear doctor is slowly concocting a passive aggressive revenge on my Newman. Any ideas?

I mean, she shouldn't be doing that right? If she wants a great, permanant, reserved parking spot she should have to pay for it like the rest of us, right? right? RIGHT?!?!?


  1. *In my mind* I'm sure I'll just be adding fuel to the fire, but I always kinda like to watch/hear about this kind of thing...

    Heck yes she should have to pay! That is so juvenile, like when my two year old sits and holds every toy he possibly can, so that no one else can play with them (nevermind that in the process he can derive no joy from them either). This kinda gets sticky though, cause you probably can't really actually touch her scooter... Maybe some well placed doggy doo...

    Loved the diagram.

  2. Right-o. Eagerly anticipating your nefarious plan of come-uppance!

  3. I know for sure Ive commented on the annoying neighbors I have in my condo complex. The feelings I have for them...lets just say are sometimes less than charitable.

    I dont want to leave yet another long comment, but this burns me up also! I dont know why I have such a sense of self-righteousness, but I do. People park in our visitor spots out front all the time when they should be parking in their ASSIGNED SPACES at the rear of the building. This leaves no parking for legit visitors, meanwhile the entire rear parking lots are empty! And theres no reason for this, its not like its any further to walk...every condo has both a front and a back door. Gah!

    Im sure the scooter is light enough to pick up...I would MOVE it to another spot and then park my hoopty right there for a week and walk or take cabs, just on general principle to prove "girlfriend dont own that spot"!

  4. Oh! I like Tanya!!!

  5. I sounds like it is more of a pain to move the scooter everytime she leaves. What a dumb girl.

    I don't know what you could do, maybe video tape it, put it in time lapse and turn it in the manager.

    The girl sounds like a toddler.

  6. Oh, yeah, I meant to add that at my apt rules said that if a vehicle was going to be parked in the same spot for more than 48 hours without moving, it needed to be parked in one of the "bad" spots. Maybe you guys have rules like that, too.

  7. That is extremely annoying!! But I can't think of anything in response that isn't illegal or sinking to her level. I'll ponder...

  8. i don't know you, but this got me because this has happened to me before. unfortunately is was my roomate and her boyfriend who were playing the system. anywhooo, i devised a plan to photocopy official apt. complex letterhead and create a fake move-your-scooter-or-die letter from the management. i was hoping the threat would be enough and the perpetrators would be scared and quit their shenanigans. but since it was my roomates bf, by future husband said i shouldn't do it. he shouldn't have married me because i still wish that i had.
    don't stand for it!!!

  9. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I think your best bet it to write a note to the landlord, asking that a sign be posted and/or the parking rules be clarified.

    It's not nearly so satisfying as what I would LIKE to do if I were you -- namely, move the scooter myself, leave mean notes, etc., but you don't want to lower yourself to her level (though MAN is it tempting).

    Let us know what happens - I would be SOOOO irritated!!

  10. RIGHT!!!! Indeed! I SOOOO feel you on this one. Keep us updated!

  11. har, har, har. Get some orange cones and mark your spot. Toss 'em in the trunk when you take the spot. Saw it at Mountain View...the culprits got suspended.
    Auntie M
