Thursday, October 16, 2008

Whatta ya think?

I have a friend who had a baby earlier this week. I've offered to bring her family dinner tomorrow night, but I'm at a bit of a loss for what to make her. She's got 2 other little ones (3 and 18 months) and I want to make something that they'd love as well.

But I'm pretty sure that showing up with happy meals is out of the question.

So, here's my question for all you ladies who've already started your family: What was the most delicious/welcome/awesome meal that someone brought you while you were taking care of your infant?



  1. My favorite was sub sandwiches. Not from some store though. The lady put the cut rolls, meat, tons of different veggies all in different containers/baggies and we could build what we knew we would eat. I'm sure this would be great for kids too. She also had two salads and chips. It fed us for days.

  2. Oh, I like the make your own sandwich idea! That seems like that would be perfect for little kids too.

    For sure don't do Chicken Enchiladas, that's all I got (not that I'm complaining or anything)... so it most be a popular go to dish for feeding families with babies.

  3. I don't have kids yet but when friends are homebound I can make a mean homemade mac and cheese. I'd also suggest a rigatoni bake.

  4. I recommend anything that is freezable, just in case they have other things come up. Soup and bread/rolls is usually a winner with most folks.

  5. I don't know about a main dish, (boy does mac and cheese sound good though), but someone brought me a fruit salad when I had my baby, and it hit the spot. I must have been just drained and always thirsty from nursing, and actually peeling and dicing fruit just seemed like too much trouble. But I couldn't get enough of that salad.

  6. I concur with everyone else's ideas. Dh & I still eat separately from Miss E (she eats dinner at 4:30-5, we eat after she's in bed), so my favorite postpartum meal was Chicken & Artichoke Linguine. That would probably not be a family pleaser, though.

  7. My favorite was: seasoned baked chicken breasts, loaded mashed potatoes, and green salad. She also brought a really yummy cheesecake for dessert. My favorite thing to send- especially for families with small children is pasta salad w/ shredded chicken and fruit salad with soft rolls. I use fun shapes for the pasta salad- like wagon wheels or once I found mickey mouse pasta!!!

  8. What good timing! I had twins on 9/24 and my friends and family have brought us dinner every single night since, so I've had a lot of different meals. My favorites so far...baked spaghetti with salad and bread (my 2 year old enjoyed it as well), hamburgers with all the fixings with fruit and salad (again, the 2 year old really enjoyed it), and chili...yum.

  9. Anonymous5:44 PM

    My favorite was this delicious, creamy, hot ziti served with a huge fresh salad, hot rolls, and a homemade vanilla cake with coconut icing. I now make the ziti for all my friends who have babies! It's perfect for freezing and the older kids LOVE it. My neighbor actually just told me that it was the first thing she could get her 2.5 year old to eat after the baby was born, and he ate 3 helpings. Yippee!

  10. If you do a baked casserole type dish, it's nice to put it in 2 smaller freezable containers, one for now and one for later when all the meals stop coming!
    Fruit salad was also my absolute favorite-here's my fave. SUMMER FRUIT SALAD: 1 cantaloupe in 3/4 in. chunks, 1 20 oz. can pineapple chunks in juice- undrained, 1 unpeeled apple- cubed, 2 peaches- peeled and wedged, 2 bananas- peeled and sliced, 1 cup strawberries-halved, 1 six oz. can frozen OJ concentrate, thawed and undiluted. Layer fruit in order given, spoon OJ over top, cover and chill 6 hours or overnight. YUMMY!!! it keeps great too and almost tastes better the 2nd day!

  11. My four year old granddaughter loves mac and cheese. Then adding a bit of fresh fruit, melon chunk, bananas and grapes, really helps her eat it all up. Veggies as finger foods work well with this too.

  12. My favorite was fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, fresh green beans and fresh fruit and a green salad. I am always super starving after giving birth plus I needs tons of fiber, if you know what I mean...

    I also loved the quiche and salad. My kids loved it, too.

  13. Other kids are tricky because it totally depends on the type of food they've been exposed to. Do you know anything about what the kids usually get?

  14. Mags,

    I don't have a clue.

    We decided to make them tacos becuase when we had a party about 5 months ago this couple loved them and really wanted the recipe, but I never got around to giving it to them.

  15. when in utah i always took cafe rio for the parents and some mac 'n cheese or a medium cheese pizza for the little kids...i don't know about you but i can only handle so many casseroles!

  16. Anonymous2:40 PM

    I had my baby 4 weeks ago and honestly, ANYTHING I didn't have to cook. And a salad. If she's breastfeeding ask if there are foods she should avoid like chocolate, broccoli, garlic, onions and go from there.
