Monday, November 17, 2008

Guess what

We adopted a baby!!!!!!!!!!

Just kidding. This little cutie is the brand spankin new little son of some of our best friends here in Colorado. We went to go meet him on Saturday night after freezin our little bums off at the BYU/airforce football game down in Colorado springs (hence the monochromatic outfits). Oh, and don't you just love the sunburns we're both sporting? Gotta love that intense Colorado sun...

But I almost tricked you, didn't I?


  1. You are SO cute.

    Also, that baby is adorable.

  2. I love when babies have hair!

    I wasn't fooled! ;)

    In all of your pics you never have your wedding ring on. I love your style so I'm dying to see what it looks like! I am jewelery obsessed! :)

  3. Oh... I was wrapping my head around it for a bit - but thinking that you had a trick up your sleeve won out!

    I was worried for you this weekend when I heard about the apartment fire in Boulder. From the descriptions - it sounded like how you have described your building.

  4. I often forget to wear my wedding ring. Not because I don't love it, because I DOOOOOOOO.

    I just take it off whenever I'm cooking and in the morning rush it slips my mind.

    Here's a picture of the engagement ring. I've just added a simple thin band of diamonds to it for the wedding ring:

  5. I wasn't fooled. :) But GEEEZ you are going to be a cute little family some day.

  6. What a FABULOSO pic of you, Katie!!! You look utterly amazing!!! Oh, and the ear dr looks handsome too. ;-)

  7. Nah, you didn't fool me, but it's too bad that isn't your baby b/c that picture is nearly frame-worthy.
