Monday, December 08, 2008

Roscoe to the rescue

When my little sister Maggie and I were little we would lay on our backs to watch TV. Our entertainment center had two cabinet doors on it's front and as we'd watch our feet would mindlessly, repeatedly open and close the doors. I'm pretty sure this drove my mother insane. Insane to the the point where she made a decree that there would be no TV in our home Monday through Thursday.

I remember being so PISSED at her for taking away TV watching privileges, but also thanking my lucky stars that at least I still had TGIF. I mean, really, what 10 year old girl could have missed step by step in 1991 and still hold her head up at elementary school the next Monday?

Along a similar vein, the ear doctor have recently decided to take up a new challenge. Lately we've felt that we need to dedicate some specific time for family. As a result, we've decided that we aren't going to watch any TV at all 2 days a week. On Sunday and Monday our usually burning hot TV will get a little rest. We won't be watching Amazing Race or Heros at their regularly scheduled times (thanks DVR), so don't come up to us and spoil the endings, alright?

Last night was our trial run. After making dinner with some friends we came back home at 8:30 and sat around looking at each other. For a minute we weren't real sure how to fill our time for the next 2 hours.

But, don't you worry, we thought of a few things to do:

Thank goodness we got a dog...


  1. Your little guy is getting so big! I hope he's getting something nice from Santa. =)

  2. Love that last a wife of an almost (may 09) vet I just know my husband would totally dig that picture!

  3. Sounds like it was a very entertaining time! Does Roscoe really stare at the tree like that? We have some friends who's dog loves shadows, and really loves staring into the dishwasher for hours. I love how dogs have their own unique personality!

  4. Were you two really inside of Roscoe's kennel?

  5. I love you guys. And your cute, little doggy. BTW, kudos for not turning the TV on for two days of the week. I think that's a great idea! Wow,you are so strong. (Reality TV is my drug of choice).
