Monday, January 19, 2009

Friends for life

Yesterday we had a new couple over to our house for dinner. They just moved here from Arizona. I remembered how tough it was to move here after graduating from streets to get lost on, a new grocery store where I can't find the chipotle chiles. It was tough.

So, I always like to invite new people over.

It was 62 degrees and sunny here in Colorado, so, of course, we HAD to grill out. The ear doctor decided to make this AMAZING burgers (do yourself a favor and print out this recipe), while I made sweet potato fries (I finally found a recipe for getting them really crispy!) and this tangy salad (courtesy of my ole pal Sarah....we added matchsticks of jicima and it was awesome). I was actually pretty proud of how well everything turned out.

Then, I pulled out the orange chiffon cake with chocolate glaze. As the husband half of our guests took a bite he actually giggle in delight.

HE GIGGLED! My baking made a grown man GIGGLE with JOY!

Turns out that the day before our guests had been talking with someone else that we barely know and our guests were informed to expect a real treat because (and I quote), "Katie is a really great cook." He giggled because the food had lived up to the hype.


I'm pretty sure my face went all red with mixed happiness and embarrassment. For me, it really doesn't get much better than that.


  1. I LOVE when my friends are impressed with my entertaining prowess.

    I think it is SOO great you're inviting new people over. Transitioning can be terribly hard!

  2. Wow, I can't imagine a better compliment.

  3. That's awesome.
    I know you really enjoy cooking, and take pride in your ability - so that had to be a real compliment for you!

    Yes... and kudos to you for opening your home to people that are new to the community. You can't imagine how much that means to people!

    I am known for NOT cooking - so I love it when people who assume NOT cooking means 'can't cook', are blown away by MY skills.

  4. That's great--I love it when people are excited by culinary offerings!
    I love that you invite the new kids over. My husband and I try to do the same as often as we can, and I'm hoping someone will do the same for us when we move this summer. Being new is rough. Way to ease the transition!

  5. Anonymous4:38 PM

    That IS a fabulous compliment! Go you.

  6. That is so nice that you are taking care of the new people. It's so hard being new.

    Are you going to share the recipe for the orange chiffon cake?

  7. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Wow. You are so amazing! Oh my gosh.

  8. Dude, you tell us that an Orange Chiffon Cake made a grown man giggle with joy and then you don't share the recipe? You are a cruel, cruel, woman.

  9. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I need all of those recipies!
    Grandma Jane
