Friday, March 06, 2009

That grass is greener

Sometimes I look out my office window and enviously watch the grounds maintenance people doing their job. And I know, as a person who has had so many opportunities for education and privilege, I'm not "supposed to" envy manual labor, but I do. Sometimes, on beautiful clear warm days like today, I get so jealous of people who get to work outside, their hands in the dirt, making things grow.

As I type away, sitting in my ergonomically designed chair, breathing recycled, reconditioned air I pine for a fresh breeze to come my way.

As I pack up my things at the end of the day I realize that my body isn't stiff from hard work, but creaky from inactivity.

And when I get home my brain has been wheeling so fast all day that I feel exhausted. Not the good, man I just worked so physically hard that I'm dropping with fatigue. The bad, I can't even use my brain enough to figure out why my DVR didn't get this week's episode of House.

Right after I wrote this post I watched this talk and it BLEW MY MIND.


  1. I think the same thing sometimes.

    - whose idea was it to have people work indoors during the best, most beautiful part of each day?

    And, I have always enjoyed mowing the lawn! I often think I'd like to work on a landscaping crew more than anything else.

  2. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Be grateful, sometimes it rains and snows.

  3. My marigolds and swiss chard have just put forth their second set of leaves. Start an indoor garden, even if it's just a bean in a Dixie Cup. It's good for the soul
    Aunti M
