Monday, April 20, 2009


So I've been following the Bright Side Project for a couple of months now and, wouldn't you know it, I WON SOMETHING!

Not only something, I won SHOES! But I'm having the hardest time deciding which to pick. Dear readers, help me choose.

Green: I would wear all the time. Versatile, nice pop of pattern

Shiny: Great for work, love the cut-out details, I don't own ANY pointed toe shoes

Ruffles: When would I ever buy myself such fantastic shoes? Never. Shouldn't a freebie be the time I go all out?

What would you do?

EDIT: I thought this was really funny. When the Ear Doctor saw the ruffle ones he skrunched up his face and said they looked like mushrooms. I've tried my best to convince him that they'd look really cute on...but he's skeptical....


  1. Number 3, number 3, number 3!!!
    Ruffles sexify anything.

    {Or pick the least expensive one for your freebie and then make a note to self on the other lust-worthy pairs for your next scheduled splurge.}

  2. p.s. They come in red.
    May I humbly suggest that the world would be a far better place if you wore those lovelies {and chased you hubby around a bit}?

  3. While they're all nice and lust-worthy, those ruffled ones are to die for.

  4. Of course RUFFLES! Is there any other choice?

  5. Hello Ruffles! Gorgeous.

  6. I have to agree that the ruffled ones are too cute to resist! The pointy ones are pretty cute too... but not nearly as fun.

  7. I like them all, but I'd vote the green ones. They just scream "KATIE!!!!" to me. What fun!

  8. ruffles. hands down.

  9. ohhh ruffles!!

  10. RUFFLES!! You MUST get the RUFFLES!! Please, oh PLEASE! Get the RUFFLES!

    ...though, I don't think you could go wrong with any of those choices. All gorgeous!

  11. Ok...I'm soooo excited for you! Seriously I would DIE if I won those shoes!

    I say number 1 for sure! It's fun and sassy and you'd be able to wear them all the time.

    #2 is not my favorite...not sure why.

    #3 they are fabulous but I still like #1 best!

  12. Definintely the ruffles!! Esp if it was a freebie - I'd definintely go a little less practical. That's how I justify spending money...but I'd use it all the time!!!

  13. I love the ruffley ones, too! So gorgeous.

  14. I like them all - but I gasped when I saw the ruffles.

    Your decision is made.

  15. Wow, I'm really lame to be commenting on this so long after the fact, but I haven't checked your blog in a while, what can I say? So I'm sure your decision is already made, and maybe you're waiting to post a picture featuring the winning pair? But please, oh please tell me you picked the ruffles! I. die.
