Friday, April 03, 2009


Sometimes the ear doctor goes on food kicks. In the past these kicks have been the following: anything with chipotle flavor, chocolate chip cookies, and pastrami sandwiches. Right now? He's favoring scoop-shaped chips and bottled salsa.

BOTTLED SALSA, people!!!

Personally, I'd almost rather eat a chip plain than to smear it with overly-tomato flavored pre-made salsa. But the nostalgic flavor of Pace Picante is what he wants. I guess it reminds him of his high school friends, or his eating style in the dorms...a more innocent and carefree time.

And, really, it's OK with me. If he wants Pace, he can have the whole jar to himself.

Do you like pre-packaged salsa? Wouldn't you rather me slice up some fresh veggies and make a delicious pico de gallo?

I guess we all know what I'd prefer...


  1. You should try Costco's bottled organic salsa. By far my favorite bottled salsa. It tastes very fresh.

    Matt loves the Pace too. Blech!

  2. Oh, Heather, we SO don't need another reason to go to Costco....

  3. I have had a LOT of salsa in my short time here on Earth. Honestly, the BEST salsa I have had was in a "hole-in-the-wall" little restaurant in Fruita, CO, called Nafey's. The waitress was a hefty Hispanic woman with a very limited English vocabulary and a child on her hip. We were the only Caucasian people in the restaurant as well, so we knew we were in for an authentic Mexican food treat!

    Besides that experience, no salsa - home made or packaged - can even come close to the delicious flavors of 505 Organic Salsa (The HOT variety, at least). Their green chili is also quite good, and being able to grab the bottle from the fridge in the morning to pour a bit on my eggs is convenience that I can definitely use.

  4. ahaha. I am a big fan of mexican and i love me some fresh salsa BUT, sometimes a big bottle of Pace really IS what a person needs. I can't explain it.
