Thursday, June 18, 2009

Communication differences

Last week we had the chance to do a backpacking/hiking trip (trek) across Wyoming with a bunch of high school kids that go to our church. Before the trip we didn't know any of the kids at all. We knew we'd be responsible for watching after a small group of them and keeping them happy and safe. I was a bit nervous that we'd get stuck with a few whiners/wimps. There are only a few things more miserable in life than attempting to motivate and cheer an out-of-shape, unwilling, down-in-the-dumps teenager.

Well, luckily, the 6 kids we were assigned were AWESOME! Funny, outgoing, hardworking, in-shape...the best possible scenario. And aside from the less-than-romantic hook-up between two of our kids on the bus ride home (sorry parents) everything went perfectly.

After we got home from our adventure the ear doctor and I started missing these 6 raggamuffins. So, we decided to invite them over to our house for Wii Wednesdays.

Yesterday afternoon the ear doctor sent out emails to each of the inviting them over.

After a few hours, and zero responses I was getting a little nervous. Would they come? Did they get the message? Should I go buy something to eat since I doubt they'll really want munch on the 3 week old carrots that are sadly laying at the bottom of our fridge's vegetable door.

Then, inspiration struck. I casually said to the ear doctor, "dear, why don't you try texting them all?"

4 hours and about 203 texts later my husband looked up from his phone and said that they'd all be coming over next week.


  1. i love teenagers.

  2. "attempting to motivate and cheer an out-of-shape, unwilling, down-in-the-dumps teenager" is what I do just about every day. I LOVE my job. Of course I easily get along with teenagers, so that's part of the reason for my career choice.

  3. Love this because it's so true...I'm a YW camp leader and I just got done sending a bunch of Facebook messages to some of the girls because they never respond to email. FB works almost as well as texting. So glad you had fun and bonded with those kids - that is really the best feeling, isn't it?

  4. ps - i got my lemon buttermilk sherbet recipe from a cookbook my roommate has called "the greatest scoop" or something like that...

  5. You two are the greatest. I'm being left in the dust. I can't Face Book, tweeter, Utube or anything like that. My fingers are too large to text so I am rendered illiterate.
