Monday, June 01, 2009

Movin on up

I can hardly believe I've been doing this blog thing for 5 years.

5 years to the day.

5 years ago I'd been living in Colorado for a year. All of my friends were single. My car was almost brand spankin new. I hadn't met the ear doctor. I hardly ever called my parents. My sister wasn't married and didn't have either of her two awesome kids. I bought new clothes at the mall because I didn't want to do laundry. I didn't think that lowering some of my personal standards was that big of a deal. I wore a lot more capri pants. I ate out almost once a day. I had a job that I barely knew how to perform.

And today? Well things are a bit different.

I've learned to LOVE living in Colorado...a place where probably 98% of my friends are married...most have kids. My car has a cracked windshield, huge scrape in the rear bumper and ripped off ground effect. I'm in love with my amazing husband of almost 2 years. I call my mother religiously every afternoon. I've made a personal goal this summer to not buy a single article of clothing (except for a dress to go to a friends wedding...that doesn't count). We hardly eat out at all except for a special occasion because I love cooking.

And my job? Well, today is my last day. On to bigger and better things.

What a difference a half decade makes...


  1. what!?!? you're changing jobs? what is happening to the world?!

    wow, SO much has happened in 5 years.

  2. Big changes all around! Can't wait to hear more details on your job!

  3. You're changing jobs? You haven't let on! (At least on your blog.) I am also eager to hear the latest news.

  4. I want to know too!! What bigger better thing is next?!

  5. Happy Blogiversary!!! I've really enjoyed being a reader and can't wait to hear more about your latest adventure!

  6. 5!! So glad you started your blog and hope you don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

    I am pretty sure I woudln't be able to NOT buy an article all of luck with may just inspire me...MAY...

  7. New job?! Exciting. Do tell.

  8. Happy bloggy birthday, and best wishes on your bigger and better ventures...

    If you are opening your dreamed-of bakery, can I come lick the frosting bowl?

  9. EEEKK!! That's SO exciting!!!

    I recently looked back on the last 6 years (since I've moved halfway across US to Dallas), and my oh my, what a change for me as well!

    I am a completely different person.

  10. My money would be on a baby on the way but since you're trying to buy a house, I guess i'll settle for new job. ;) COngrats either way.

  11. Really? Can't wait to hear about the next adventure.

  12. Lindsay6:37 PM

    Yay! So what's next for you then? :)

  13. WOW! I can;t wait to see whats in store for you!

  14. CHANGING JOBS!!!??? Oh my - I've been so out of the loop!

    Congrats on the bigger and better!!
