Sunday, June 14, 2009

So far so good

Tomorrow I start my new job. I have no idea where I'm going or what I'll be doing, but if the introductory materials are any indication things are looking pretty good.

Just feast your eyes on the wicked awesome folder they sent me BEFORE I even started!

Yeah, you know things are going to go well when they're assuring me from day -1 that I'll be achieving all I can imagine. Please note the very professional snowman pen that I intend to use to fill out my paperwork. I am NOTHING if not professional...

Then, I went ahead and opened the folder to find the the CEO of this 140,000 employee strong company took the time to write me a personal, individual unique letter of welcome.

As you can see I was very touched.

I may have dabbed the corner of my tear-filled eyes with a dainty lace handkerchief.


  1. congrats and good luck. that picture is priceless!

  2. It looks like someone got a little sun on the handcart trek.

  3. hmmmm - I know you've blotted it out in the photo (you sneaky little photo-shopper you!) but I'm pretty sure I recognize that welcome packet...


    You are gonna love working there!
