Thursday, July 09, 2009

More characters around the complex

As the ear doctor and I sat back on our couch this evening all we wanted to do was rest. The ear doctor was all tuckered out from "playing around all day on our stolen wifi" and I was burned out from my horrible daily commute to and from work.

As the results show from So You Think You Can Dance started up we were thrilled to be serenaded by a semi-rhythmic banging sounds emanating from below our balcony. Confused by the sound, we paused the show/muted Mary Murphy's fingernails-on-a-chalkboard screams and perused the situation.

I was really surprised at what we found.

A couple of guys (not involved in any alcohol imbibing...I checked) had erected a game of throwing beanbags through holes cut in plywood. Does anyone else find it strange that a couple of 20-somethings guys are filling their down time with carnival games? Do you think they get each other huge stuffed teddy bears for getting all the bags through the holes?

Is this some kind of fad or trend that the kids these days are into?


  1. It's called cornhole and actually it's pretty fun (and really hard). My husband and I have a set at home and we play it at cookouts. I have to say I'm shocked no alcohol was involved though. That's half the fun! Try making that shot after a few drinks! We've even seen some very dedicated people (not us!) bringing small sets of it to parking lots to tailgate before soccer games! (Or maybe it was a hockey game, I don't remember).

  2. Cornhole! How very midwestern... I am also shocked that no alcohol was involved. Perhaps they were perfecting their technique?

    Incidentally, my apartment complex has its very own set so residents can play by the pool. This is no shady college town apartment complex, either. It's an upscale complex with mostly working professionals. Apparently cornhole is much more ingrained in midwestern life than I had ever imagined.

  3. I am from MN and have indeed played cornhole. It's a lot more fun than it looks! Then again, alcohol has been involved. The most memorable time we played was between a wedding ceremony and reception. I guess it was "classy" cornhole.

  4. PS - I am SO missing SYTYCD over here!

  5. Wow. Just Wow. I've never heard of this game. And you are freaking hilarious- glad my computer is cooperating today so I can leave comments!

  6. my neighbors used to play that all the time. although there was, unfortunately, lots o' beer involved. :)

  7. From what I read on other blogs, this type of game is VERY popular in the midwest. Like, insanely popular.

    No thanks. Looks boring and childish.

  8. Anonymous10:45 AM

    It's cornhole!

    I'm surprised though that they set up on the sidewalk rather than the lawn.

    With all your entertaining - I'd have thought you were all about cornhole for bbqs.

  9. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Being one of the "old folks" we play it at our campouts. It is called bean bag toss. $ given for winners.
    Grandma Jane

  10. Yeah... I've seen cornhole at a couple of barbeques that I've been to recently. I am, of course, the reigning champion amongst my friends... :)

  11. I absolutely love cornhole - in fact, I just played hwn I was in Boston (with my Midwest friend). Very fun - knowing your competitive nature, I'm sure you'd love it! Alcohol not required for a good time.

  12. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Cornhole has become super popular with college students. Again. Great tailgate game. I have loads of friends who have built their own set (I'm 38 but work with college students). Try it out. It's addictive.
    And for fun watch Rhett and Link's Cornhole song video.
