Thursday, July 30, 2009


The scene: Me, wandering through Banana Republic looking at all their cute stuff for late summer/early fall, thinking about how momentarily pleasing it would be to just go crazy and spend a fortune...wearing a brand new BLACK short sleeved summer-weight sweater.

Shopgirl: Oh hi, welcome to banana! We have a bunch of really cool stuff that just came in this morning. You should check them out.

Me: Thanks!

Shopgirl: If you need anything, let me (starts having a coughing fit)...

Me: ...let you know?...

Shopgirl: (laughs) yeah.

I continue to peruse the racks for about 5 minutes. Then, I'm approached again by the same Shopgirl.

Shopgirl: Do you ever wear navy?

Katie: (kind of confused by the question lobbed from left field) Umm...yeah. I love it.

Shopgirl: Yeah, I think that would be better.... (trails off, turns around and continues to fold shirts on display)

I was a bit bewildered by the strange question. As I left the store I started to wonder what she possibly could have meant. I'm starting to think that she thought I looked horrible in this BRAND NEW black top I'm wearing today. Could I possibly look terribly in black? Is there anyone on planet earth that looks bad in black?

I may just have to change my entire person image perspective now...


  1. WHAT!?!? Everyone looks good in black. Shopgirl sounds crazy.

  2. Dan's mom12:45 PM

    If you ascribe to the "seasons' color theory, redheads are GREAT in black but not as good in navy. Sometimes shop girls can't get over their own personal preferences to suggest things that work for the customers rather than themselves.

  3. Impossible - everyone looks good in black. Maybe it was the combo with the other colors you were wearing?

  4. I'm wearing a black top and gray wool slacks. Impossible to get wrong!

  5. I used to look yellow in black - honest. Until I started highlighting my hair, I couldn't wear black next to my face. Trust me - there are people out there who can't wear black. Thanks to highlights, a whole new world opened up to me. Happy sigh. However, really rude of her to say that to you...offensive, really.

  6. There are times when black can wash a person out, ESPECIALLY in horrid store lighting, but working there, she should know better than to approach ANYONE in that manner. Unless you are a paid professional shopper, it really isn't your place to offer up opinions like that.

    I've seen your coloring in pictures and IMO you'd look great in black, your hair has enough depth (as does your skin tone) to stand up to black. I'm sure that the store lighting or her personal preference and possibly even a need to sell some new navy merch was behind her commentary.

  7. Um, EVERYONE looks good in black! And I'm sure you looked FABULOUS. She's just a few fries short of a happy meal.

  8. That's too funny! Maybe she was just messing with you! Those BR shopgirls have gotta get their kicks somewhere!!

  9. I think Allimarie is to cool. She likes McDonalds.

    The Raiders look great in Black. Of coarse they accent with Silver.

  10. Could she have been commenting on something you were looking at? Rather than what you were wearing.

  11. "Is there anyone on planet earth that looks bad in black?" - YES!

  12. Well, my mom looks dead in black. But your coloring is NOTHING like hers. So I don't know. What I do know is Shopgirl needs to learn to keep her mouth shut. Rude!

    And I agree with Raven. Store lighting is horrible. Which just double means Shopgirl hush up.

  13. That whole conversation reminded me of Phoebe from Friends--you would not be Phoebe of course. The strange Banana Republic girl definitely could be.
