Monday, July 27, 2009

Skip the gym

Reasons why my entire body is sore this morning:

1) For my birthday last Thursday the ear doctor took me to jump street...a place filled about 30 extra bouncy trampolines and even more excited tweens. Sure, the ear doctor and I were the oldest people getting our jump on by about 15 years...but man-o-man was it fun! And it fits in perfectly with my birthday theme of doing kid-approved activities. It ranks right up there with last years trip to a water park and my 23rd roller skating birthday.

2) Friday I took my birthday money and made my way to the mall for a shopping bonanza! Do you have any idea the tole a mountain of clothes hangers takes on your triceps? It's pretty intense.

3) Saturday morning we woke up bright and early to help my good friend pack up her house and move to a bigger place. The catch? She's about 4 days from her due date! We had to get her up and out of that place as fast as possible so that her new little girl had a house set up to come home to. I don't think I've ever moved someone at a more furious pace!


  1. Happy belated birthday! It sounds like you had a fabulous one. =)

  2. Happy Happy birthday! You are a gem of a friend. Help prego people move is the greatest act of service ever!!! Your friend just might name her baby after never hurts to ask! ;)

  3. Still reeling from recent are a true friend.

    And happy day to you!
