Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Come one come all...

It's that time of year again!

My long thick hair that grows like a weed is primed and ready for a cut. I mean, really, how long can an actual living working person make this length of hair work?

I'm at the end of my rope! And it's time for a change. Here's where I need your help. I have 4 different options of short cute haircuts. Take a look and give me your vote!






  1. As someone who has done the long hair to short hair thing a few times let me just say my biggest mistake was cutting it so that I couldn't get it into any sort of tiny pony tail and/or where I couldn't tuck it behind my ears. After having long hair and being used to having it off my face all the time, having it hanging there in my face all the time drove me nuts!

    Otherwise I can't wait to see the after pictures!

  2. #4

    PS - FYI I'm Janssen's friend who was drawn to your blog when she mentioned another engineer woman.

  3. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I like 2 - although it is a pretty dramatic change. Also 4.

  4. I think two is my favorite. :-)

  5. #4! I think the blunt cut and bangs will work well with the shape of your face. Have fun!

  6. I like the girl's haircut above Reese. Whatever you do, I'm sure it will be cute!

  7. I think they're all the same, except #2 has much more annoying bangs to handle on a daily basis. How are you supposed to work with THOSE bangs??

    I LOOOOOOOOOOOVED when you last cute your bangs, straight across the forehead. I would recommend that look on you again! I think this look would ROCK on you (second pic down):

    Of course, I think you could shave your head and still be gorgeous! So any of those four choices would be a home run for you!!

  8. i like #four because it is a little more interesting, a bit more edgy. i think the blunt ends would be really cute poking out from under a winter hat.

  9. ashielainchewelah2:17 PM

    Aren't 1, 3, and 4 the same? Even so, my vote is for them. Number two looks like a bad choice.

  10. I like #1 because the bangs are long enough to sweep over, but are still obviously bangs and not all over short hair- like #2. I'm super excited to see what you choose and how it turns out!!!

  11. Hmm...#'s 1 and 3 look very similar.

    I went from long layers to that same blunt cut last summer, and it is a lot of fun. A few things to keep in mind:

    1. If you don't already have one, invest in a high-quality flatiron. It's the easiest way to smooth that cut down.

    2. Be committed to spending a little bit of time styling it every day. This isn't a labor-intensive do, but it's also not a wash-and-go style.

    3. My experience was this isn't a terrible versatile cut for wearing down. It doesn't look good curled or pulled back.

    4. You absolutely have the face shape to pull it off, so I hope you have fun with it!!

  12. i say start with #1 and work your way to #2 if you're so inclined. i just went through this and it's been fantastic. and just think... even if you hate it, it'll only take a few months for it to grow out at the rate your hair grows :)
    i, too, cannot wait for the after pics!

  13. Sheesh Louise, I am going to give you snaps for being so brave and cutting the hair off. But you are brave for being a woman engineer too. Don't those equations and details freak you out a little. My hubby is an engineer, so I know how the mind ticks. With that said, my vote is #1 or #4. You don't want to mess with irritating bangs that won't swoop when you need them to. When are you getting this done?

    And hey, you and I have a friend in common. Cara Tarullo, she's a rock star. Small world.

  14. Thank you so much for posting this! I'm getting my hair cut short tomorrow morning, and was just supposed to be deciding what to do with it when I decided to catch up on my blogs!!

    I'm loving number three for me, but that's only because I'm not gutsy enough to try to pull off the bangs in numbers 2 and 4...

  15. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I'm a redhead with crazy thick hair too. I did Locks of Love (or the Pantene one which is 8" and not 10") and ended up with photo #2 cut. LOVE it and I get loads of complements. Go for it!

  16. #4. It will look great! Post pictures when you've done it!

  17. Anonymous9:36 AM

    #1, then again I think Jenny M is HAAAWWWT!

  18. Love them all- you can pull any of them off *grin*

  19. i choose #1!!

    you have the most amazing hair. i wish mine was as thick as yours!
