Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Reason 592

There are many reasons not to leave the garbage disposal running while you are hand washing dishes. This is #592:

I dropped my favorite knife into the sink. It slid into the disposal handle first, meaning the spinning, jumping, deadly blade was sticking straight up into the air. Did I reach over and turn off the disposal? No. I grabbed it.

I willingly offered up as sacrifice the middle finger on my left hand to save my trusty blade.

Since I still have it, I'm pretty sure its a sign from above that I'm supposed to put that finger to good use. Fellow rush-hour commuters...you've been warned!


  1. Too funny!! That last sentence CRACKED ME UP!!!

  2. :) Glad your hand is ok- and that you saved the knife!!!

  3. That last sentence = awesome!

    Hope your hand heals well but maybe you want a battle scar so you can tell people about your sacrifice...or at the least have your hand alook a little tough when "showing some love" to the rush-hour commuters :)

  4. Oh Katie! Is it bad that even though you were at the mercy of a blade sticking out of a garbage disposal that I still laughed a little?

    Hope your hand heals quickly!

  5. That is too cool. I thought you were going to chase a ring down the disposal, but a knife, that is awesome. HOpe the wounds heal before the next heroic event.

  6. Oh, GIRL. That is some rather awe-inspiring cutlery love.

    Can you engineer with a gimpy digit? Get well soon!
