Monday, September 28, 2009

On being sick

There are a lot of things that aren't fair in this world. 1% of the population controls 99% of the wealth. Chance randomly picks people to get cancer and suffer. Kids grow up without parents who love them.

There's lots of unfairness.

And while it's not anywhere near that magnitude, there is a certain annoying element of unfairness in my life that I experience about 3 times a year. It is this: I get sick as a dog and the ear doctor remains untouched.

I wallow on the couch, throwing used infected tissue all over the place and he has the audacity not to ever be affected by it. It's not that I really want him to be sick, but it just doesn't make sense. He's the one on an undergrad infested college campus all day. He's the one that gives therapy to little germ-riddled kiddos during the week. He's the immuno-compromised diabetic for crying out loud!

And yet, it's me who is laid up.


This annoying bit of whining brought to you by a lot of frustrated staring right at the ear doctor's forehead at 3 am.


  1. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I'm sick too - it sucks!!

  2. Sorry you're sick. We're getting over colds here, too. Yech.

  3. Dan's mom1:07 PM

    Actually, you don't WANT the ear doctor to get sick. It is SOOOOO much more complicated when type 1 diabetics get sick, at least it is when Michael gets sick. Blood sugars go whacko & reactions happen too often. Enjoy that he is well - and have a quick recovery yourself. He seems pretty compassioante about it when you don't feel well.

  4. No, it's not fair and I wish you a healthy day off work, and new shoes, and breakfast in bed, and a nose that doesn't throb, and time to do everything you want with your new home, and a hot fudge brownie sundae with walnuts, and an icy diet coke, and a week in Hawaii, and for Garret to stub his toe (gently of course) :) Hope you are better soon!

  5. This the funniest post. I totally get it. Being sick SUCKS. I promise you will feel better soon. Try blowing out your sinuses. Everyone is doing it and it feels great when you are done.

  6. I agree that it sucks to be sick. It is always ten bazillion times worse for the whole family when my husband gets sick. Do women handle the sickies better than men? Who knows. All I know is that I"m sort of jealous that your ED doesn't get sick.

  7. Get well soon. The same thing happens when I get sick... Dennen never gets sick!! Sometimes I even try to make him sick by coughing on him, but to no avail.

  8. Hope you're feeling better by now!!!

  9. Still sick? Feel better!!!
