Thursday, September 10, 2009

Giving is better than getting

Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I think I'm getting pretty good at surprising my man.

Last Friday was his 30th birthday! That's right folks, for the last 30 years this world has been a better place because the ear doctor was in it. And if you've followed along the course of this blog you probably know that birthdays are a big deal in our little family.

A big deal.

And what could be bigger than turning 30? Nothing.

So, on Friday morning the ear doctor awoke to a towering mountain of gifts. 30 white boxes tied up with bright green ribbons and black and white twine. Each box topped with a tag numbered 1-30. As every half hour passed he got to open a gift and find a little treat inside.

The biggest surprise came at about 4 pm when he found two boarding passes for a flight to LA that night. Because, more than Wii games, BBQ tools and camping gear, what he wanted for his 30th birthday was to be with his parents.

So, we flew out and spent the most awesome long Labor Day weekend under the California sun. We went on a whale watching cruise (where I successfully avoided succumbing to motion-sickness induced vomiting), toured the Getty for the first time ( is STUNNING), drove down and checked out the San Diego Zoo, and (of course) hit up the one and only Disneyland.

As we fell asleep in his parents spare bedroom on Friday night he looked over at me with shining eyes and pulled me close. As he held me in his arms he whispered into my hair, "this is my best birthday ever."

My heart was so full the only word that adequately describes is this: JOY


  1. How fun!!! You visited some of my favorite Socal spots, including the Getty!! I love it there.

    Happy belated birthday to the ear doctor! What a nice surprise for him.

  2. How lucky the ear doctor is to have you! That sounds like an amazing 30th birthday. =)

    Mine 30th is next month and we will be at Disneyland too, but I have to do all the planning myself.

  3. Wow, that is AMAZING!!! Well done, you :)

    Bart's 30th is in the spring. Must think of something AWESOME.

  4. Nice job. You two make me smile.

  5. So, you've pulled an awesome surprise on you E.D. a few times now...but how do you fund these creative adventures and still keep them under wraps? I'd love to do something similar for my Husby, but the joint bank account makes that a little hard.

  6. Sounds like you out did yourself. What an awesome surprise! I'm glad the Shasta arrived safely.
