Monday, September 14, 2009

We got it!

The ear doctor and I dated for 2 1/2 years...MUCH longer than the typical couple with our religious background. Neither of us felt any hurry to get married and we both really wanted to make sure that it was the right thing for us.

Plus, up until about the 2 year mark the idea of getting engaged was daunting for me. Actually, terrifying might be a better word. It loomed at me in the background. I worried about it's potential to ruin our relationship. I worried that it would signal the end of my independence and the beginning of the seemingly never-ending life of compromise. I worried a lot.

But one day I talked to my mom and she, as usual, had some words of wisdom to share. She told me to look at engagement not as the final commitment for all time, but as a promise toward that commitment. If something horrible happened, promises can be broken but commitments cannot.

And that helped.

And that's kind of what it feels like today because we are officially 100% UNDER CONTRACT on the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sure, last night I may or may not have had a moment of suffocating somewhat paralyzing fear over making a commitment that will last for the next 30 YEARS OF MY LIFE. But then I realized being under contract is like getting engaged. We've promised to love, honor and protect these particular 1380 square feet of Denver above all others. But if something horrible happens in the next month and a half we can get out of it.

If this commitment only brings me 1/10th the satisfaction I experience on a daily basis with the ear doctor I'm gonna be one lucky girl!


  1. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Yay! Congrats!

  2. Nice House

  3. My remolding geene is getting itchy

  4. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Congratulations! Your dad cannot spell. Of course he meant "remodeling gene". Love ya bunches.


  5. Congrats on the house! Hang in there! Focus on all the fun changes you get to make to your VERY OWN house! :-)

  6. Congrats! Not a fan of the whole house buying process but it was all worth it once we got the keys and knew the house was ours. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that your "engagement" with the house is a short one and that it'll be yours soon!

  7. I looked at some pics of the house with Maggie. It's So Cute! Looks like a steal, too, with the arch(es?), beautiful kitchen, and fabulous deck! Congratulations!

  8. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Good luck with the home. Remember to not try to change everything about the house you may not like all at once. Rome wasn't built in a day and your vision of what a perfect home should be won't either.

  9. Yay for house engagement!!

    The very best advice I received when we moved into our house: live in your home for at least a few months before undertaking any kind of facelift projects. It will give you time to adjust to the newness and really think out your ambitions for the space.

    Good luck with the contract. : )

  10. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Looks wonderful, not too big and not too little, a great starter home!
    g Jane


  12. Congrats! You will love owning your own house. I bet that puppy of yours will love the new place!
    Enjoy...take lots of pics of the whole process!


  13. Congrats! How exciting! Can't wait to see more pictures of it!

  14. Congrats Katie! This next month is going to be so awesome (I am being sarcastic) but I can't wait until you get moved in. I am so happy for you!!! If only I lived in Boulder I could help you move. We should do pictures in Boulder anyway, in the new house, my treat, no charge to you. let me know what you think.
