Tuesday, October 20, 2009

No need to rage against

The only thing that bugs me about living in Colorado is condemning look I get from people when I bring a McDonald’s cup into a room.

I know it’s not good for me to eat at McDonald's. I get it. I’m slowly killing myself with saturated fat and aspartame. And I know some people would NEVER succumb the lure of the golden arches, but does that mean that I deserve a dirty look if I do?

I mean, it’s not like I’m lighting up and filling your air with toxic second-hand smoke or anything?

It’s just a soda.

If someone doesn’t eat fast food because they don’t like it or it makes them feel gross then I totally understand not partaking. I wouldn’t either. If someone was worried about teaching their kids healthy eating habits so they try to avoid it, props to them. If they don’t think they’ll have any kind of self control because the nostalgia associated with the flavor of some crispy salty fries, by all means, stay away.

But just keep this in mind: not eating it does not make a person cooler than someone who does.

Similarly, not having cable does not make you more hip/righteous/awesome than someone who likes to watch a little mindless reality TV every now and then. It just means you’ll probably be left out of a lot of water cooler conversations at work.

Mainstream is not always horrible.


  1. I skip out on the McD's because it makes me feel gross.... but I still crave those sausage mcMuffin with eggs... yumm...

    And we have no cable, but we get plenty of mindless reality tv over the airwaves through the digital converter box. (And what we miss, we can check out online!) So I'll keep my dirty looks to myself... If I accidentally let it show, it's probably just jealousy. I have no illusions that I am cooler than you!! ;)

  2. I hope you drive Subaru so at least they'll give oyu some credit.

  3. I love McDonalds. I know it's gross and bad for you but I like it. So should you. It tastes like magic. So does bad tv.

  4. Anonymous5:35 PM

    YUM....YUM....YUM...Love an egg McMuffin and an icy diet coke FOR BREAKFAST!!!
    Aunti M.

  5. I wonder if they would be giving you such laser eyes if you drank your McD's soda from a reusable cup... ;)

  6. Can we talk Monopoly?! It always pulls me back into my McDonald's addiction!

  7. Some people, I can honestly say that there are so many other things to worry about, I probably wouldn't even notice what you were drinking out of. And if I did notice, I would be coveting that cup that could potentially be carrying the elixir of life, Dr. Pepper.

  8. Anonymous12:19 PM


  9. I buy a #2, two cheeseburgers, fries and diet coke. We eat processed chickens, frozen vegtables, red BBQ meat, fried cat fish and drive a Subaru.

    Isn't America GREAT?
