Monday, November 02, 2009

Something you don't want to see

Well, since Halloween is over, I can officially start celebrating the holiday season without being deemed a total weirdo. And after reading this post over on Emily's blog I knew I just had to get my bake on.

I woke up early Sunday morning, mixed up my dough and excitedly waited all day for the dough to cool in the fridge. At about 6 I started rolling and stamping the dough with the awesome cookie molds the the ear doctor got me last year.

After pulling the first sheet of cookies out of the oven I was a bit concerned. They didn't look right. They hadn't puffed up the way that I expected them to. Then I glanced over at the counter and noticed one perfectly intact, now room temperature egg innocently sitting on the counter.

Here's hoping that this is NOT an omen of the upcoming season...


  1. Oh no! You could probably mix in the egg now and save the rest of the dough - at least that's what I, a terrible baker, would try to do.

  2. Oh drag. I totally relate to your excitement about the holiday season. When I was driving to church yesterday I realized that since it's November now, I can listen to Christmas music. Others may say it's too early, but I call those people scrooges.

  3. I bookmarked that recipe too!

    Also, darling shirt. You always look so cute!

  4. What are we sisters? I screwed up pumpkin chocolate chip cookies yesterday. I mistook powdered sugar for flour. The cookies didn't even think of rising. They were too drunk on sugar.

  5. Hi! I found your blog in googling designs for the Shabby Apple thing, saw the picture of you and an egg, and started reading. You are too funny! And I love Emma's outfits on Glee, too- pretty much why I watch it! Well that and Finn... even though he's practically a child he is really cute! Also I am in Colorado, too, and that snow was insane!
    Anyway I like your blog. :)

  6. I baked 5 dozen chocolate chip cookies for FHE last night. Big hit, they ate allll of them.

  7. Anonymous4:27 PM

    I remember putting cayene pepper in rice pudding instead of nutmeg. Your mom kept saying --hot, hot,- I would blow on it and have her taste it again....until I tasted it. ?Be glad you didn't try the cooikies on a child.
