Friday, December 04, 2009

Still no kitchen

I knew it would happen, but I didn't think it would come so soon.

I am officially SICK of eating take out. Tired of sitting in restaurants. Annoyed by just the thought of another drive-thru window. Bored by having to spout the requisite small talk to the endless line of delivery people knocking on my door.

I yearn for a simple meal cooked in 30 minutes. I pine after the calm ambiance created by dinner eaten at a proper dining table instead of hurriedly inhaled from in front of the TV.

Don't even get me started on how depressed I am that I won't be doing any Christmas baking this year....

Can anyone think of a polite way to invite myself to a friends house for a home cooked meal?


  1. Does your church have a kitchen? Could you and your girls have a cookie baking party??
    Do you have a microwave? Toaster oven? BBQ? We could come up with meals that you could cook at home without a kitchen...
    Could you do grocery store roasted chicken and make some sides at home? Do you have a foreman grill??
    If I lived closer I would invite you and the ear doctor over for dinner...but think 19 hours of driving (one way) is a little too far!
    The new kitchen will totally be worth it!!

  2. Have the " Grill Master " do his magic on your fabulos deck. You also have a " Hot Plate ". Build a fire in your bach yard and cook tin foil dinners and eat them under your tree.

  3. When I had no kitchen, I did all of our cooking in a toaster oven, microwave, rice cooker and BBQ. Eating out daily wasn't really in the budget so we made do. How much longer will you be without a kitchen?

  4. That really stinks!!! I hope the remodel gets done sooner than planned! If I lived closer, I'd let you come over and cook for me, er, um, I mean I'd cook for you!!! ;)

  5. I'd invite you but I don't even cook for me.
    But if you want to come over and cook... have at it. Just remember to take the toaster out of the oven first. It's the only place I have to store it.

  6. You could come here, but I'm guessing the house remodel hasn't left you with gobs of money to be flying to Boston.
