Thursday, January 14, 2010

All in the details

The hardest part of designing this new kitchen has not been the demo. It has not been going more than 2 months without cooking my own food. It has not even been the sore muscles from lifting pulling and dropping things on my foot.

It's been the details. The hundreds of choices that all need to be made all at once. There are just too many options out there. Everything from cabinet finish, to door hinges to countertop finish to faucet style! It's not like designing a living room or bedroom where things can come together staggered and over time. Things in a kitchen can't be easily tweaked if it's not quite right either. once we've picked a countertop, we've picked it.

And even when you've selected a style, color and size there are STILL choices to be made.

For example...should we go with these drawer pulls:

or these:
For someone who does not like to mull choices over very much this has been tortuous.

Which pull do you like better? Should the door knobs be round or oval shaped? Will it matter if this dumb design process transforms me to into a mean harpy of a wife, causing my dear, patient husband to leave me thereby necessitating the sale of our house because I can't bear to live in it alone?

Alone with ugly drawer pulls?


  1. Do the drawer pulls really change that much? Why can't you just pick one and live with it? Although that's what I'm always saying to Daniel about tile work and you know how all the new tile is in our house.

  2. If you go with pull #1 go with oval knobs, if you go with pull #2 go with round knobs.

    Have you put your hands into the pulls to see how they feel? Aesthetically they are pretty similar but finger space is going to be the deal breaker IMO.

  3. I like both- great taste!!! I agree with all the choices to be made, we bought our house brand new, but all the choices had been made as far as tile, cabinets, etc. We have now lived here over 3 1/3 years and still don't have drawer pulls/cabinet handles for the same reasons- too many choices!!!

    Ok, I'll tell you what my first choice was before I even finished reading- the 2nd one.

  4. Yep... my first choice before finished reading was also #2.
    More conventional classic version of the old fashioned classic pull.

    But #1 is a subtle change ...also nice. Just do #2 and be done with it.

  5. Okay - I got it. #2 is classic. #1 is rustic.

    Which are you going for in your kitchen?
    There you go.

  6. number one looks easier to clean. it doesn't have that double line ridge that number two has, perhaps a grime catcher.
    both good. both favorites.

  7. I like #2. thanks for asking ;)

  8. #2 all the way. Still simple, but more fitting for the rest of the details in your house and kitchen.

  9. #2 all the way.

    or if you can't decide...go back and forth on each drawer, #1, #2, #1, #2....cause that wouldn't totally bug...

  10. Did you get the gap to close between the sink and the countertop on the right side? It should have. If you still have a gap you can raise the anchor on the cabinet and raise just the countertop slightly.

  11. Dad, we got it pretty much fixed. In lifting the front of the right side we created a slight gap on the back of the left side of the sink, but nothing so big that a little caulk can't fix.

    Our window guy came today and filled the whole house with asbestos dust becuase the moron didn't put any plastic over the doors.

  12. You know what else is torturous? Shopping in several states for the perfect prom dress.

  13. Second one. Without question.

  14. Isn't home ownership a hell of a picnic?

  15. Ooooh the latter!
