Thursday, March 04, 2010


I am officially the lamest person in America.


I don't have a facebook page.

My mother in law recently started hers, which means that the ear doctor broke down and started his. When I got home on Tuesday not only did I hear all about his long-lost friends from high school, but it turns out that one of them said that his wife was really pretty.


Is it vain of me to think that I've finally found a good enough reason to join the ranks of the face-bookers?


  1. i say that's an invitation to flaunt your prettiness all over facebook! i'd be all over that! :-)

  2. Aw!!

    I thought I was the last great holdout... I signed up over a year ago.
    Gave it up for lent though.
    I only occasionally have withdrawal symptoms. Like when I'm itching to post a one-liner. Gah!!!

  3. Even I have a face book page, however I don't know how it works

    PS Read Tyler's blog

  4. You would be fun to follow on FB! (I've been following you here for years!)

  5. both of my grandparents have them now, (grandma just got hers this week!) I think you are the last person in America...

  6. Not at all. It's great for pictures! That's mainly what I use it for.

  7. I don't really like facebook. I have an account and I check it maybe monthly.

  8. There's nothing wrong with holding back.

    I refuse to jump on the FB bandwagon...I prefer to cultivate the {possibly false} sense that I still have some degree of anonymity in this cyber-happy world.

  9. join facebook! it's fun to look at friends' pictures.

    ps - could you ask ED how to get fluid out of your ears? i really, really want to use a q-tip, but every time i'm tempted, i remember how much he abhors them. however, if i don't figure something out soon, i'm going to break down and buy some.

  10. My Katie doesn't have a facebook either. I just blogged about my feelings regarding allowing her to open a facebook account.

  11. I agree with Maggie. No for facebook. Yesterday I got 4 facebook messages. One from a friend I hadn's heard from in 5 yrs. How did she get my picture with Sue? Strange!
