Tuesday, June 01, 2010


Oh, I just realized that as of today I've been blogging 6 years! Which means that since I started this blog I have:

-lived at 7 different addresses
-worked for 2 companies
-attended 3 different church congregations
-met, dated and married the ear doctor
-got a dog
-bought a house
-been to Disneyland/world 5 times
-gained a niece, a nephew and a bunch of second cousins

Thanks for reading and making this whole blogging experience the trip that it is!


  1. Happy Birthday, Blog!

    {Your recent blogger's block nothwithstanding, I hope you keep it up for another 6.}

  2. Fossil Trace is the top rated golf coarse in all of Colorado.


  3. Yours is the first blog I 'followed'.
    Please keep going!

  4. Love reading your blog -- while I haven't been reading all 6 years, I have enjoyed reading over the past couple of years!

  5. Congrats on going the distance. It's tough to keep up on committments, but everyone appreciates you. Me especially!

    (Dad is very excited to see everyone-this is going to be a very long summer)

  6. YAY! Congrats! Crazy the paths our lives have taken over the course of blogging, huh? I have recently thought about this exact same thing!

    I can't wait to see where your life goes over the next six!
