Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Holy Basil!

For the last 2 years I've tried to grow a decent bunch of basil and had minimal success. I've always got enough to shred on top of pizza or pasta, but this year? A completely different story. Just feast your eyes on this bounty:

(please note volleyball for scale)

This basil is at least 2 feet tall and attempting to overtake my entire garden. Does anyone have any super awesome ideas for using all this glorious herb? Keep in mind my man's not a big fan of pesto...

In related garden news please compare these two measly little peppers:

to this one:

What the crap?!?!? They were all planted the same day, watered the same amount. Yikes!


  1. I have also had great success with container gardening this year. I had to chop down my basil and root a bunch of the stems in water- I have baby basil plants all over my kitchen! I like to chop up some basil with halved cherry tomatoes, onion, mozzarella, and a little balsamic vinegar. I also tasted a great salad the other day with basil, watermelon, and goat cheese. Yum!

  2. Peppers like to be root bound -- and often do better in pots. Black pots are the best as they like their roots to be nice and warm.

  3. Anonymous6:34 PM


    basil dressing

  4. Anonymous8:57 AM

    "Keep in mind my man's not a big fan of pesto..."

    Sad. Very sad. But you could make the pesto anyway and give it away. It freezes well.
