Thursday, September 23, 2010

A bit scattered

Right now my mind is whirring at about a million miles and hour. I wake up and the very next second the brain engages and I'm off.

Which is probably why I walked all the way from my front door to my car without even realizing what was going on with my feet...

...and keep in mind the difference in heel height for these shoes is 1.5 inches!


  1. You are your mothers daughter!

  2. I think you could start a trend!

  3. Well at least you didn't work for half the day before SOMEONE ELSE noticed and brought it to your attention.

  4. Both very cute shoes!
    If they were in MY shoe wardrobe, I'd probably have a hard time deciding which to wear!

  5. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Yes. I wore different shoe heel hights and didn't notice. thought somehting was wrong with my hip. Must run in the family.
    grandma jane
