Wednesday, September 15, 2010

inside my head

When people come into our house they almost always compliment the color we've picked for the walls in the front room.

(gray squirrel--martha stewart living at home depot)

I look around and say, well it took us 3 tries to get it right and I'm still not 100% sold.

(don't worry babe, I don't want to repaint it again...yet)

And then I tell them that the only color in the whole house that I really truly love is the gray we picked for our bedroom, which you can see from the front room. They usually turn around look at it and look back at me confused and then say, "well, I really like this front room color."


So I wonder if maybe my taste is off or something?

It's like when someone who has truly horrible fashion sense compliments your outfit. Is it a welcome compliment or are you secretly a little worried that THIS person thinks what you're wearing is rad?

(analogy courtesy of the ear doctor)

(I'm loving the parenthesis today...can you tell?)


  1. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Totally get it. I just moved and had to choose paint colors way too fast (I usually take years and had minutes). My LR is MS Whetstone Gray. I love it.
    The "welcome wagon" lady came and as she was leaving she asked when I would get to the painting since the walls were so stark.

  2. Anonymous10:29 AM

    you stole my material?!

  3. hey, that's the same color i'm painting my dining room!!! i love it.
