Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Down in the dumps

Yesterday I was feeling pretty crappy. It was the first day back to work after my sister and her cuties came to visit. I was missing them real bad.

When I got home I was shocked to see a beautiful bouquet of flowers for me on the bed! I was told to turn on Gossip Girl and relax while my man prepared an amazing dinner.


The food was amazing, and he even surprised me by making banana pudding! One of my faves! And he didn't just make instant vanilla pudding and top it with cool whip...the man made real vanilla custard (double boiler and all) and topped it with perfectly fluffy meringue which he broiled in the oven to make those perfectly browned peaks!

Life is good!


  1. WOW!!!! What a catch!

  2. I am drooling and by the way, well deserved and timed. He is so sweet!

  3. You've got yourself a great husband, Garrett is awesome!! I was just telling Dennen the other day how excited I am for Christmas to see you guys.

  4. Double Boiler and ALL?
