Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmasy Date Night

Last night I took the ear doctor on a date. A real, honest-to-goodness date where I even opened his car door for him. We went to our favorite Mexican restaurant where I told him the sky was the limit and he could order anything he wanted.

He got the carnitas and I got flautas (I was really craving some fried crunch with guacamole on top). Then we drove down town to the Denver Botanic gardens. Every year they cover the entire garden in a million twinkle lights and you can walk through and enjoy the festivities.

Unfortunately, it's been almost 70 degrees here in Denver so the ice sculptures were just little pathetic melted lumps, but overall it was pretty stunning. We kissed under the mistletoe and held hands while we talked about our future.

We even bought these cool little 3D glasses that turned every light into a perfect little snowflake.

I love any activity that combines sentimental moments and ridiculous eye-gear...

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