Thursday, December 02, 2010

Day 2

I'm really excited this year to spend the holiday with my adorable niece and nephew. Charlotte is almost 4 and Greg is a year and a half. Perfect ages to experience the magic of Christmas. Already my sister has posted about their awesome tree day experience and how the kids are learning the words to Christmas carols.

I want to make sure that we really record as much as we can about their childhood so we don't forget these precious moments.

“Precious little is written concerning the childhood of Jesus. One might suppose that His birth was so revolutionary in its magnitude as to dominate accounts of His boyhood. We marvel at the mature wisdom of the boy who, leaving Joseph and Mary, was found in the temple, ‘sitting in the midst of the doctors,’ teaching them the gospel. When Mary and Joseph expressed their concern about His absence, He asked of them the penetrating question: ‘Wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?’ “The sacred record declares of Him: ‘Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man’” --Thomas S. Monson

I love Design mom's idea to have a Christmas notebook to write down all the memories of Christmas each year. I'd pick one of these:

1.Canvas leather book $38-65 2.Brown leather journal $57 3.Honey leather journal $46 4.Red nosed reindeer journal $10 5.Modern handmade blank book $20

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