Sunday, December 05, 2010

Day 5

Recently the ear doctor and I met a family that owns a local restaurant. The restaurant is pretty good and it is run by pretty much everyone in the family: grandma, grandpa, cousins, siblings...everyone.

Every year they host a huge Thanksgiving event where they provide 250 free meals to the needy in the community.

We weren't going to be in town this year to help, so we ran by Costco a few days before and picked up some things that they needed to get everyone covered.

I was just blown away by one family's ability to make such and impact on the community and reach out to those who don't have as much this season! I'll be looking for small ways I can help those who are cold, hungry and alone this holiday season. Surely with as many blessings as I have in my life I can afford to share!

"And also, ye yourselves will succor those that stand in need of succor; ye will administer of your substance unto him that standeth in need; and ye will not suffer that the beggar putteth up his petition to you in vain, and turn him out to perish” (Mosiah 4:16).

1. Microloans to entrepreneurs in poor countries 2. Small business loans to entrepreneurs in your community 3.Organize charitable donations 4. Donate time to local charity 5.Pick up an extra toy at Target and drop it in the Toys for Tots bin


  1. I serve on the Leadership Board for the Starlight Children's foundation, we provide toys to Children who are seriously ill. Watch for our toy drive too. In Spokane I'll be manning the booth on two different Fridays between now and Christmas. You can help!

  2. I am sooooooooooo proud of you and Garrett. You both are always looking out for everyone else and that is what makes the World go round.
