Thursday, January 20, 2011

Are the hills alive?

See...this is why I love living in Denver! Look what came in my mail box yesterday!

I simply can't ask the ear doctor to accompany me to the SUPER dorky sing-along event. He's an awesome husband who happily endures my never-ending Disney Sing-It sessions so I can't, won't, would NEVER ask him to go to a public sing along of the Sound of Music.

Anyone interested getting their Von Trapp on while simultaneously making this little red head extremely happy?


  1. Me me me- I'll go. When is it?

  2. I SO wish I could come!! That sounds like the most delightful evening of all time! Have tons of fun. And please tell us how it was.

  3. Ahem... high on a hill was a lonely goat oh lay oh lay oh lay hee hee

  4. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Don't make your husband go!!!

  5. Lindsay11:00 AM

    Oh MAN do I wish I was in town for this!

  6. Sounds like fun. I'll go if your mother will take me.

  7. Your mother really wants to go to this.

  8. I would totally go to this! BTW, your face is priceless in that last pic! LOL!
