Monday, January 10, 2011

Dear previous owners of our house:

Thanks so much for gluing aluminum foil to the ceiling to protect the ugly flush-mount light fixture from burning the house down. When we pulled the gross fixture off this weekend a bunch of layers of paint and stuff came along with your handy foil installation! It was awesome!

It looks really rad now that we've installed a hanging pendant light that has a much smaller interface at the celing.

I've always wanted to add a ceiling medallion there!

Also, look how cute our dog is on our new rugs! I know it's kind of ghetto to buy 2 of the exact same small rugs and put them together to look like one big rug but it was SOOOOOOOOO much cheaper!


  1. Love the new fixture!!
    No it is not ghetto -- it is smart! Plus they are easy to move outside when you want to clean them!

  2. hey! i have that rug!!! and i LOVE IT!!!

    we are practically the same person, i think. haha

  3. That light fixture rocks!

  4. I love that rug and wanted it for my dining room but it was too small. now i'm kicking myself for not thinking of that solution!

  5. Use duct tape to secure them together.

  6. Another fan of the rug here!

    Also, how cute is that Roscoe?!

  7. We love that rug...I too wish it was slightly bigger but for the price you can't go wrong right?

  8. harumph on the lighting issue. as for the rugs, i think putting two of them together is pure genius! it's homeowner improvisation!
