Monday, February 07, 2011


My parents always tease me that when they visit I always ask them to work on our house. They (somewhat loudly) state how they just can't seem to get a trip to Colorado without it entailing trips to a hardware store. They brag that they could drive to the closest Home Depot with their eyes closed.

So when I found out that my mom booked tickets to come to the Sound of Music sing-along with me I was thrilled. And determined. I was NOT going to ask her to work on our house in any way shape or form.

The show was awesome on Friday, seriously, SO fun. See? Really fun! The ear doctor totally missed out!

And on Saturday I had plans to relax and eat and chat but as the snow started to fall and an idle second was spent relaxing on the couch my mom looked around and saw the stack of framed pictures on the ground that I'd been too lazy to hang she started rooting around for a hammer and some nails. And hour later we had this.

And then we still had some time to kill so we ran to the fabric store and whipped together cushions for the chair my dad made me a two years ago!

So much for just sitting back and relaxing! I never want to be teased again for "MAKING" my parents work on projects when they come to visit. Because I'm pretty sure my mom wouldn't have it any other way!


  1. Your house looks amazing! Love love all the finishing touches!
    If you ever get sick of being a 'ger you could totally be a designer/decorator!

  2. I think they love to be creative. This is thier way to 1) help someone they love and 2) create something beautiful. It is beautiful.

  3. Lots of fun. When I come we will GOLF.......

  4. I had a GREAT time! Fun to sew with my girl. We went to the Chocolate Affair too. We were busy folks.

  5. That gray is BEAUTIFUL! Wow, will be taking notes when we own a house again.

  6. LOVE your photos! and YOU! and YOUR MOM!

  7. Cute, I love your place! That chair your dad made you is soooo cool! Hope you guys had a blast at the Sound of Music thing.

  8. Wow! Hadn't seen recent pics of the house, but it is looking so incredible!

  9. wow, your mom is super pretty. you'll age well, obviously!

  10. Mrs Case is correct, your mom is super pretty.

  11. I'm with Janssen; that gray on your walls is lovely.
