Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My man is hilarious

Yesterday I found this picture on another blog I read.
I noticed that the front door is almost exactly the same as our front door, so I sent it to the ear doctor. Plus I really think that couch is pretty rad.

The ear doctor responded with this comment, "What’s that girl doing in our house with her ugly dog?!!!!" (he's not a big fan of fluffy girly dogs)

To which I responded, "She’s our new neighbor who wants to go for a wine tasting and wear rubber boots even though it's not raining. We should take the old gross horseshoe out of the garage and nail it to the wall in our dining room."

To which he responded, "Did she ride her cruiser bike that has a abnormally large wire basket on the front for her hideous dog over to our house on a Sunday afternoon for a mimosa brunch on 32nd and Lowell (a very trendy spot in our neighborhood fully of awesome restaurants and hipsters)? Are the rubber boots plaid? Is she wearing a scarf when it’s 80 degrees outside? Does she also have a huge beanie that she wears so that it’s only partially covering her head/hair? Does she love tea?"

And that, my friends, is why my husband is not a blogger...


  1. Dying laughing!!!!! Love this post!!!!

  2. Your husband is very observant! The girl in the doorway looks just like Megan's sister-in-law.

  3. Anonymous8:23 PM

    One of my fave blog posts EVER!

  4. I love your dialogues. High five, Ear Doctor. Tongue-in-cheek is my native language.

  5. Quinne is crushed.

  6. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Quinne is different....

  7. Very funny.
    I love your banter with the ED.
    When can I meet you guys?

    But do remind him that some of us wear scarves when it is 80 degrees out... because in Denver, after 4:00pm it quickly drops to 60 degrees and then we use the scarf as a shawl to stave off the chill.

  8. LOL! Ok, I'm kinda guilty of some of those items...except the dog owning and bicycle riding. Tea and scarves during ridiculous weather, I'm all on board!

    My husband will mimic how I "talk" on my blog. It's annoying but pretty freakin' hilarious. :)

  9. you two are hilarious
