Friday, May 06, 2011

Great debate

I can't decide.

When our house was robbed, my DSLR was stolen. And as much as I loved my old one, it isn't being made anymore. So now I have to pick what model I want to go with. I've narrowed it down to two options that are basically the same price...the Nikon D31oo and the Sony a33. They both seem like great options, but I just can't decide which I want.

They both have 14.2 megapixles and both take movies.

The Sony has a cool translucent mirror technology in the body so it doesn't have any moving parts inside the camera body. I like this because in my last camera this part got messed up and it was an expensive fix. Also, the Sony is a little lighter and smaller. The Sony takes faster pictures (7 frames per second vs 3 with the Nikon). And it has a cool flip down view screen making taking self portraits really easy. And we all know how much I love self portraits...

The Nikon has a true optical view finder. In the Sony when you look in the eye piece you just see the same display as on the back screen of the camera. A digital image...not a reflection of what you're actaully seeing like a traditional camera. There is a digital interface between you and what you're seeing...I don't really like that very much. Lastly, the Nikon battery lasts almost twice as long as the Sony battery.

Anyone have any experience with both and know which I should pick?


  1. Lindsay10:26 AM

    Tough call. I have no advice, but I'll be waiting to see which you pick.

    Sort of a sidenote though - unless you have a typo in the numbers (and I DO allow typos - hehe) looks to me like the Sony actually takes faster pictures, not the Nikon.

  2. It's very important to pick a camera that fits your hands.

  3. The Nikon -- there are more places that sell, fix Nikons. The batteries are easier to find. There are more accessories for the Nikon.
    But then again, I am a Nikon snob...

  4. I agree with Denise. I have no experience with either. I almost purchased a Nikon, but then went with Canon. Pentax is a great camera with state-of-the-art tech, but it's not as main stream as Nikon. Good luck, I am absolutely no help. I think it's a win win, either way.

  5. Buy American

  6. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Nikon. You'd NEVER see a true professional shoot with a Sony. The lenses for Nikon are much better.

  7. Pick the one mentioned in the lyrics of a song. Pick the one lightest in weight :)

  8. Anonymous9:34 AM


  9. I've never used either but I guess I'd go with the Nikon only because when you buy extras and lenses and want to go generic there are most companies that make cheaper lenses for the nikon and canon brands.

    For instance, I just bought a scoop light:

    And they didn't have one for a sony.

  10. Anonymous5:48 PM

    where are you??????? we miss you!!!
