Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Happy 4th!

Want to know what the ear doctor looks like when I totally suprise him with an unexpeted picnic in public to commemorate our 4th wedding anniversary?

I thought you'd never ask!

Last night after dinner with my man I suggested we take a leisurley stroll through downtown Denver. As we walked toward our favorite bridge he noticed a beat up box that was kind of opened a bit with light coming out. He reached down to look at it and saw his name on it. When he opened it, there was a balloon, candles and chocolate cake inside.

We sat on the bridge, ate cake, danced to the same song as our "first dance" (I've got a crush on you).

I love this guy like CRAZY!


  1. How, pray tell, did you rig the box up ahead of time and make sure it would still be there when you walked by? I see the battery-operated votives were in play, but did you enlist help to execute your sweet surprise?
