Monday, July 25, 2011

Birthday Recap

I'm going to try hard not to make this a brag-about-my-awesome-husband post, but I don't really see that there's any way around that.

Simply put: he is amazing and made my birthday perfect.

Friday afternoon we went out for lunch at my very favorite sandwich spot in Denver. Fantastic. Their hot ham and swiss is so melty and delicious that juice runs down my chin every time. Then, we packed up and headed to the mountains. He'd found us the cutest little cabin tucked beside a pond up in the beautiful Rocky Mountains above Idaho Springs. We fished, caught big beautiful rainbow trout and grilled them up for dinner. We watched the sun go down and he brought out a little, adorable lemon curd cake and sang me happy birthday.

Saturday morning we slept in. The first thing I did when I woke up was run over to my phone to see if anyone had already called and left a message on my phone. It was then that I realized my phone was totally dead and I'd forgotten the charger! TRAGEDY! My birthday is the one day a year I keep that phone with me all day and answer all the incoming well-wishing calls.Bummer.

We packed up our stuff and headed farther up the mountain to Echo Lake. This place was beautiful. Stunning. If you haven't been to Colorado before and want the full experience, go here. It is breathtaking. We drove up the highest paved road in North America to the top of Mt. Evans which stands at 14,240 feet. It was at the top of this mountain that he handed me a letter he'd written. A letter expressing his heart.

Then, he handed me a letter written by my mom.

Then one from my dad.

Then he explained that he'd hacked into my email account and send out emails to most of my close friends and family asking them to write me a letter telling me what they thought about me. All day long he kept handing me letter after letter from people I love most in this entire world. Each one brought laughter and tears. Seriously, I don't think I've ever felt more love.

I slid each one into a plastic protector in a beautiful green album.

It is something I will CHERISH for the rest of my life. One of the 4 things I will grab if my house is ever on fire.

After the mountain climb we drove home and he took me to dinner at Fruition. If you ever plan a trip to Denver, this place should be on your list of places to eat. It is fantastic. And I know you have to get a reservation 2 months in advance so the ear doctor has probably been planning this forever.

After the best meal in recent memory, we came home and I opened my last letters and his gift. His gift was a new Vera Bradley trip kit. Inside was a travel book for New York! He got us tickets to be in New York for almost a week over Labor Day! I have never been to the city before and can't wait to go!

All in all, a FANTASTIC way to celebrate my first 30 years of living on this planet.


  1. Way to go Ear Doctor!!!! And Happy Birthday Katie!!!

  2. I bet the orange horse was the cherry on the cake. Glad your birthday was amazing.

  3. What an awesome gift! Love it (and your weekend in general sounds pretty great too)!

    Happy Birthday!

  4. Glad you had a great birthday!

  5. WOW! That is amazing! Brag away.

  6. What an amazing, loving thing for him to do! I just celebrated my 30th....and I went out to California Pizza kitchen for lunch. And my brother gave me new pillows. Your 30th blows mine out of the water - lol!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sounds like you had a wonderful BIRTHDAY! May they all be great ones.

  9. happy birthday!

  10. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Did you turn 5, or 30? I'm just sayin....

  11. Dear Anon-

    Thanks so much for the compliment on my picture! I love that even though I'm 30 now you still think I have the youthful radiance and joie de vivre of a young child! It is so kind and thoughtful of you to express your admiration of my looks! And while I loved the thoughtfulness expressed by my husband in planning my weekend and the love showered on me by my friends I would equally have loved a slip n slide in the back yard followed by a bounce in a rented jumpy castle and a dinner of hot dogs and cupcakes.

    You clearly know me so well!

    Thanks again!

  12. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Wow, what a happy birthday. It will be hard to top that one.

  13. Happy 30th Katie!
    That sounds like the most amazing birthday. I love that the ear dr. asked your close friends and family to write you letters, and the present at the end of the night is exciting! Go eat some good food and see a Broadway show for me. :)

  14. Happy Birthday, dear heart!! Sounds like it was a perfect day. Hope this will be a perfect year for you. xoxo

  15. Happy belated birthday! What a lovely gesture by your ear dr.
