Monday, October 10, 2011

An official new holiday

Saturday was the first gray, cold, wet day of fall in Colorado. We decided to celebrate the turn of the season by having MAN DAY.

First, we slept in....not necessarily a man-exclusive activity, but I've never met a guy who didn't appreciate a nice lazy Saturday morning.

Then, we played Wii for 5 hours. New game on our brand New TV.

Then, we changed out of pajamas and went to get Denver's best pastrami sandwich. I know it is the best pastrami in Denver because my husband has done an exhaustive search of all the options and this, my friends, was the best.

Went home, took a nap while watching True Grit.

Woke up, finished up an easy but infinitely rewarding home improvement task which appropriately covered us in sawdust.

Ordered pizza for dinner and watched the BYU football game.

Rounded out the night with a Aerosmith Guitar Hero jam session.


  1. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I must request the location of the Best Pastrami in Denver...

  2. Anonymous2:44 PM

    That's like Danielsan requesting to learn the crane kick without learning balance first. You, whoever you are, think that we're just going to give up that kind of valuable information without any work on your part (i.e., at the VERY least giving us your name)? I can't speak for Katie, but as for me - I think not.


    The Ear Doctor

  3. It wasn't me. I love a good pastrami but they are difficult to find. Too much fat or grissle.

  4. Anonymous11:37 AM

    You are accomplish so muchg-jane
