Monday, January 24, 2005

Dear Ear Doctor,

Thank you so much for the lovely weekend. It will rank up there with my most memorable/pleasant of my life.

Dear Animal Control,
Thank you for catching and putting down the stray rotwiller that attacked my mom's little doggie Quinn. Quinn has really become my surrogate sister since all of my mom's real children have left that house and I don't know what my mom would do without her.

Dear Maker of Quinn's Shampoo,
Thanks to your new aerodynamic shampoo bottle design my mom was able to hurl your product so hard, and with great precision at the attacking rotwiller. Thereby, she was able to stun the offending canine into dropping Quinn from his maniacal clutches.

Dear bff Sarah,
Thank you so much for going out to breakfast with me on Saturday and listening to my problems. Sometimes I have a hard time opening up and letting other people help me deal and it means so much to me to know that you're there. Oh, and don't worry, the wedding plans will all work out ok....I know it. If you want I'll go to your dinner and make a huge fool of myself thereby diverting attention from you.

Dear work,
Thanks for letting me come in at midnight on Sunday to get something done for a presentation tomorrow morning. It reminded me of the weird schedule I kept in school and revealed how much I like doing things at weird times.

Dear God,
Thanks so much for the people in my life.


  1. Well, I didn't post anonymously! I think that you have others that think you're great. Quinn is sleeping in the cave now. She has burrowed down into a stack of quilts. She has found the pink quilt and I suppose it's magic works on sore puppies too. It is a miracle quilt.

  2. Well, I didn't post anonymously! I think that you have others that think you're great. Quinn is sleeping in the cave now. She has burrowed down into a stack of quilts. She has found the pink quilt and I suppose it's magic works on sore puppies too. It is a miracle quilt.

  3. Well, I didn't post anonymously! You have another person or two that thinks a lot of you. Quinn is really sore and after breakfast this AM she disappeared. I went all through the house and yard and finally found her in the cave on the pink quilt. The magic holds! She is sleeping down here today and I thought it funny that she wanted the same quilt that all of you did.

  4. Speaking of animals burrowing into small corners. Heather's pet mouse burrowed into the corner of its cage this morning and it let me pet it. Then I went home inbetween class and work and it was dead! It was so sad. PS Katie, I didn't kill it!

  5. I am newly come to your blog Katie, but it is very entertaining. I mean, I got on sneaks but I need a new pair, cause basketball courts in the summer got girls there. Your thankful attitude is also refreshing.

  6. Dear Katie,
    Just in case you wanted to know, it would be a good idea for ME if you would write your posts before 1 PM. This is so I can be entertained during the slow two hours of my job everyday. As we all know, you are doing this blog for me so that would be the best route for you to take. Well, I'm kidding, you're probably always busy during the day. I love you!
