Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Falling asleep

I have a bad habit of falling asleep.


For some reason I just am not one of those people who can stay awake all hours of the night.

You can wake me up at 5 in the morning and I can function fine, but get me past 11 and I'm toast.

I can stay awake if I'm moving around or dancing or whatever, but if I'm just laying on a couch cuddling and watching a movie, I'm out for the count.

I never thought anything of this until the ear doctor and I started dating.

He HATES it when I fall asleep. He thinks it is rude because I don't have the common courtesy to stay awake when he is there.

It drives me nuts that he won't fall asleep too because I like to cuddle together.

Then, when he wakes me up to say goodbye I am completely disoriented, confused, and usually do someone mean/thoughtless.

There needs to be some kind of compromise here, but we are both pretty stubborn on this issue.

1 comment:

  1. Compromise... totally the answer. He sleeps half the time and you stay awake half the time... just make sure you are doing the same thing at the same time or the compromise is no good. Deep, huh?
