Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Final choice

I've decided to stay here and go to CU Boulder for grad school. While I regret having to turn down Stanford (again) I just really think that this is the place I'm supposed to be. The program here is pretty great, with some really interesting looking research. So that's that. The choice is made. Gloria!


  1. Congratulations! I'm sure you've made the right decision. And ED just might be the happiest boy in America right now.

  2. lol, I was thinking exactly what Brittany said. There's one happy ED in CO!

    Congrats on the decision, and getting accepted into Stanford, even if you decided not to go. It's an accomplishment in of itself.

  3. YAY! Do you feel a sign of relief now that a decision has been made?

    And the ear dr will be close! A definite positive!! :-)

  4. Feels good to make a choice, hunh! Way to go, now you can breathe. See, you never did get to melt down, even though I would have been ready, I would have been surprised.

  5. Congrats on having a place to be next year!
    Did I tell you before I have a couple of friends doing graduate work at CU Boulder? They are actually room-mates. One works for IBM and is getting his MBA, the other is doing a PhD in some sort of Engineering (Bio-Chemical?)

    They seem to like it there- you however already know Boulder is wonderful, so I don't really need to tell you that.
