Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Stuff I want to know about people on my sidebar

To "the narrator" at project mayhem:
Why do you stay in Utah valley when you seem to be so bothered by the other people there? Do you like being there just because you can feel different?

To jl at celibate in the city:
Do you ever think about just not writing in your blog anymore? I don't say this as a suggestion or anything, just wondering if you've ever experienced the same feelings of staleness that I'm having right now. How did you get over it?

To Anth at Random Junk:
Why don't you post more? You're a really great writer. If all you ever did was give reviews of the books you're reading it would be AWESOME! Plus, when are you going to get a real blog that I CAN MAKE COMMENTS TO?!?!?!

To the MAGSTER at miss margaret's art class:
When are you going to call me so we can chat about everything that you're going through right now?

To Jill at egg in spoon:
How did you become such a good writer? Do you read a lot? What's your favorite book? How's your puppy doing?

To Kacee at misery loves fun-pany:
Are you the person who posted about that cool wedding shower game that you played that was like the newly-wed game? I want to do that for my friend's shower I'm throwing next month and need ideas.

Will your husband ever have a set schedule so you guys can come home and be together every night? It makes me sad for you when I hear he has to be away 4 days in a row.

To Britt at pink poodle prints:
Did you get your thesis written? Are you going to be done before you head off to North Carolina?

To Rebecca at throught the looking glass:
Are you ever going to post again?

To Bryan:
Please don't forget to have your brother put together some climbing gear for our trip to Moab.

To "elle" at blonde beautiful brilliant bombshell:
Do you think you're going to be in engineering for the length of your whole career?

To Dan at the howlingman:
Did you know you are the most intriguing person to me on the sidebar?

To Sarah Marinara:
When are you going to compile your work and get someone to publish it? What are you waiting around for?


  1. No, my thesis is not finished. And I'm starting to get FREAKED OUT by it. About 75% of my days for the next month and a half are going to be spent traveling for job interviews, meeting up with you guys in Moab, and going to Peru.

    It probably won't be finished by the time I leave for North Carolina. Which makes me incredibly nervous, but I'm doing what I can.

    I'm going to be in North Carolina next Tuesday to meet with them. Wish me luck!

    So, April 15th has come and gone. Was that supposed to be a significant day in your decision-making process? (no pressure-if you're not ready to answer that, then don't rush)

  2. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Hey girl! My husband will not have a set schedule until he finishes up with the military... and we don't know if he's going to make a career out of it or not! It's very frustrating, trust me!

    I don't know if I posted about it or not, but we played the newlywed type game at my shower and it was an absolute blast!!! My MOH emailed my husband a secret list of questions before the shower (fun ones, serious ones, etc.). Then during the shower, had me guess his answers in a game show style fashion. It was a lot of fun, and hilarious! Some of his answers (and mine) were off the wall.

  3. I do believe that the ball is in your court as the last message was left on your phone about the MOAB trip. I'm pretty excited to get to spend a whole weekend with that bunch of kids. (Secretly I'm kinda nervous about it too.) Anyway, I also wanted to talk to you about the other bridesmaids in my wedding. They have some news.

  4. don't be nervous, mags! we're nice, i promise. it'll be SO FUN!

  5. I really dont know. Will I stay in this field? I dunno. Will I move to a different field and stay with engineering, as in construction or to my roots of electrical, I dunno. Will I change altogether and do something totally fun and something I have a passion for, I dunno. While these are all options, I am taking things one day at a time, reminding myself that I have only been in the real world a year and a half and that's such a teeny amount of time. For now, I am enjoying the ride, and I am going to worry about that another day.

  6. I don't post more often for a variety of reasons:
    1) Since switching to a 4-day week, I am busier at work.
    2) I am usually too lazy to post from home. Tri-Peaks Solitaire lulls me into a dreadful stupor when I go on the Internet at home.
    3) I don't feel that I am a good writer. Thank you for the compliment. It makes me want to post more. ha ha *cheeky grin I am really glad to hear you like the book reviews.

  7. i take that as high praise -- and chalk it up to my faceless profile & scorpio birthright

  8. Anonymous8:54 AM

    On it. As a Gardner, it's genetically inherent in me to think of gear before anything else when leaving for a trip. It has actually crossed my mind three different times on my commuted to/from work, and once while I wasn't driving. That's pretty good.

  9. i've been hella busy with school lately and haven't had time to check out everyone's blogs for a while.

    while i do get quite bothered with many of the people of happy valley, every now and then i come across someone who gives me hope. not only hope that there is still some good in happy valley, but also that there is still some good in the world.

    also, i want to feel like i am making some sort of change in the world. it doesn't have to be something major, one person will do. i want to feel like i have had some effect. if i can't do that in happy valley, can i do it anywhere?
