Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Being a TA is going to be hard

Holy Cow. I've just been to my first day of Grad Student training and I've decided that this was a bigger decision than I thought it was. As I sit here in a busy, impersonal, chaotic student computer lab I am silently missing my sweet, quiet office. I miss being surrounded by people who know me, think I'm really smart, and love my sense of humor. I tried making a few jokes with people here and they totally fell flat. This may take a little adjusting to get used to.

I had to give a 5 minute lesson on something. It was video-taped and played back for me, and the rest of the classroom to watch. Nothing is quite as humbling as seeing yourself teach on a TV screen. Plus it was some serious persuasion to get my fat butt back into the gym.

On the more positive side, while waiting in the hour long line to get myself a new student ID card I met 4 new people who were really cool. That's one of the coolest parts of being a student. Every single day you have the chance to meet brand new people and learn awesome things from them. It's always a fun, dynamic environment that is constantly refreshing itself. Making friends is SO easy.

Last thing to report is that my beautiful best friend in the whole world had her first baby last night. Olivia Jane is the new baby's name and I think that is SO cute. I wish I could be in Washington hanging out with my new little niece, but alas, it can't be. Olivia's little head was 15" in circumference, which is HUGE, so I know she's going to be a genius.


  1. Ooh! I'm so excited for and jealous of you! I have found myself in the U-District (UW's neighborhood) a lot recently and I each time I get really excited at the thought of grad school. Since I have a year to wait, I'll have to live vicariously through you this year!

    Is BYU as large as a school as CU Boulder?

  2. TA-ing is scary at first, but as soon as I realized that I could take a few seconds to think and/or pull the book out it got easier. It's really cool once the students start learning and you know that you helped them. Best of Luck!

  3. I hope she doesn't LOOK like she has a big head. I did physics ALL DAY today and I've decided that you must be CRAZY to chose that sort of thing as your life's passion!

  4. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Aw!! What a pretty name! And 15 inches? OUCH. I am so TERRIFIED of the labor part of birth. But now I can't do anything about it, it's inevitable in about 8 months or so.

    I accidentally forgot to go to my TA training, oops. It was yesterday.

  5. Aww, you are making me want to go back to school! :-) I am so excited for you!
